
This is my description of this blog from when I first started it back in 2013. It still seems pretty apt.

When I read things that interest me, and especially when I read things that interest me but that I find hard to understand, or disagree with, or spark ideas, I write about them, in order to try to understand them, or work out my disagreements, or develop the ideas they trigger. This writing is fragmentary, alluding to earlier readings, ideas, things floating around in my head, and primarily for myself. Occasionally, though, I’ll try to give it a more finished appearance, and then I’ll post it here. The form ranges from nearly-finished essays to quick fragments tossed off in passing. Not, strictly speaking, a “blog,” if we take the etymology seriously (blog < web log < log = daily record, derived from the practice of measuring a ship’s progress by throwing a piece of wood overboard and noting the rate at which it recedes from the stern): not, that is, a regular record, but a sporadic sharing of things I find interesting. But then, most blogs are like that, I guess.

Same idea, new organization

December 2023: After hearing and reading about digital gardens I decided to re-organize the site. The idea of a digital garden—provisional, in process, interconnected, imperfect, growing and changing—is more in line with how I first envisioned it anyway.

So it’s now organized, as much as possible within the constraints of a free WordPress account and my very limited technical abilities, not chronologically but in loose, overlapping categories. That’s the (somewhat) hierarchical structure. Tags then create a nodal structure allowing the categories to communicate beneath the surface, as through roots & rhizomes & such.

If you really want to read things in chronological order—though I see no reason why you would—there’s a page for that.

Categories with blurry edges

Maybe someday I’ll figure out how to get WordPress to add the descriptions of these categories.

Posts in reverse chronological order, if you really want to do that.

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